What the schools say…

“Since the storytellers have been coming to the Nursery, speaking and listening skills have improved tremendously and the children’s attention is amazing. The children get involved in the stories. This has a knock-on effect in all imaginative play. The children repeat what you have said, sing the songs and tell the stories. I can’t praise the storytellers enough!”

Carole Keohane – Early Years Co-ordinator – Deputy Head and Teacher in charge of Nursery        


 “There are some children who are ordinarily quiet and reserved who show a great enjoyment of the sessions. I am often surprised by the children who are often inattentive being very engaged with the storytelling at the front, and also better able to recollect the stories they hear during ‘We Are Londoners’ (a special project funded by John Lyons Charity) compared to those heard in the English lessons, owing to the engaging music and dynamic presentation styles” 

Mark Goodwin – Year 5 Teacher at Park Walk Primary

“We have a child in our class with speech and language difficulty…he finds it hard to even speak in full sentences, but he really benefits from hearing the storytellers and the beautiful language, the rhythm of the language, the music along with it to create the scene. He is often enthused after the sessions and able to write his own stories much more clearly…because he’s had that enriching experience”

Michelle Baker – Year 4 at Servite Primary School


“Our children would riot if we tried to take the storytellers away! They now feel they are entitled to Everyday Magic, we value it tremendously”

Sarah Howell, Deputy Head Marlborough Primary School

Everyday Magic Registered Charity 1148659